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We are leading the world’s largest food innovation community.

EIT Food is creating connections right across the food system that stimulate new ideas and invention to drive change: between startups and corporates; between entrepreneurs and investors; between consumers and industry; between research and action; between ideas and reality; between present and future.​

Collaboration is central to all of our work, which spans the whole food value chain, and is vital to meet the big challenges we face.

Impact stories

Providing financial support for Europe’s most promising agrifood startups
Get matched with a farmer and test your solution on the field!
EIT Food sponsors the Food and Drink Federation Future Leaders event to celebrate the innovators that are transforming our food systems.
EIT Food is delighted that two RisingFoodStars startups from within the EIT Food community are amongst the 50 winners of the UN Food Systems Summit ‘Best Small Business: Good Food for All’ competition announced today.
EIT Food announced today the 60 high-impact agrifood startups that have been selected to join the EIT Food Acceleration Network (EIT FAN) 2021 in its 6 innovation hubs spread across Europe. The chosen startups will benefit from top…
PeakBridge, the agrifood-tech venture capital fund manager investing globally, and EIT Food, the world's largest Agrifood Innovation Ecosystem supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), have today announced the…
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